The Rapid Skills Project contains 8 micro-credentials with unique modules surrounding the topic of Logistics. These are Fulfillment, Inventory Optimization, Fleet Optimization, Quality Assurance and Compliance Documentation, Quality Assurance and Compliance Implementation, Cybersecurity, Distribution Systems, and Distribution Transporation. Each of these are laced with custom and H5P interactives. Students can complete activities at there own pace as they digest content. At the end of each module students recieve a completion report that can be submitted to CanCred.
Developer: Rebecca Murphy, Sijoon Lee, Felipe Milagres
Content Management: Rebecca Murphy, Sijoon Lee, Felipe Milagres, Ulises Miranda, Michael Charlesbois
Graphic Designer: Michael Charlesbois, Rebecca Murphy
Web Designer: Rebecca Murphy
Design Direction
Front-End Development
Custom Interactives
H5P Interactives
Content Adaption & Assembly
CMS Setup
Site Architecture
User Experience
Accessibility Compliance
Wireframe Structure
Researh and Content Strategy
Responsive Structure
Animated SVGs
SVG Interactive Scenes
JQuery Drag and Drop Environments
Interactive Charts, Charts JS
H5P Interactives (Interactive Videos, Essay, Drag and Drop, Documentation Tool, Multiple Choice, Sequencing, Find the Hotspot, Mark the Words, Fill in the Blank, Charts)
Dashboard User Interfaces